Who You're Reaching
Total Audience
Newsletter Subscribers
Social Media Followers
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Please note, if you prefer to work more closely with our team and have concierge-level service or are looking to purchase multiple pieces of content, we recommend working with a member of our Sales Team. Contract minimums will apply.
Performance analytics will be available upon request, one week post run.
Our Products
Branded Content
Newsletter Promo
Also known as our classic Mini Article. With up to 75-words, 3 links, and an image, our team will draft custom copy designed to drive traffic to your website.
$1,000 - $1,500
Digital Display
Email Header
The custom email header is the first thing our readers see when they open up their newsletter, designed by our team or by you with rich media capabilities.
$500 - $1,000
Branded Content
Social Media Feed Post
Reach our social media followers through a feed post shared on Instagram and Facebook.
$500 - $1,000
Branded Content
Newsletter Text Ad
All we need is some basic information and our team will craft up a 50-word blurb meant to drive traffic and build awareness that will run in the newsletter of your choice.
$300 - $500
Digital Display
Email Banner Ad
Brand awareness at its best, seamlessly integrated into the conversation flow.
$250 - $500